Friday, September 26, 2008

The 2nd Project "place for 12twigs"

These(below) are my "Precedent" for the 2nd Project.

My Final for 2nd Project "place for 12Twigs." Symbolize with Triangle shapes and 4 Lines for the Sun and sphere shape which is the earth.Sphere shape indicates the "Protection for Twigs with Zig-Zag cut of paper."

It(below) looked like a Film Case so I needed to refine my project.

a points becomes a line, lines shape various shape of diagram, and circular shape contains every shapes of diagram...Focused on to give some SYMBOLIC meaning and GROUPING...12 /3=43 x 4 =12

My 2nd Project started with making a place with 12Twings because I wanted to do some experiment for myself.

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