Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The 1st Weekly Opus

~Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Opus Project is about raising the ability as a prospective Architectural Designer. Also, it is a kind of well-organized idea bank and story book for an Architectural Designer's future.

Re-Creation : Design : Tell : Story


Through out this 1st week of Spring 2009 semester, I have been exploring lots of stories such as "God's Food" (Fairy Tale), William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," and historical architectural structures which contain meaning, culture, and history etc. As a common sense, story has been delivered from generation to generation orally. However, there is another way of delivering story in architectural field as using 3 ways such as commodity, firmness, and delight.

"In architecture, as in all operative arts, (music, drama and so on) the end must direct the operation. The end is to build well, well building hath three conditions: commodity, firmness, and delight."
-Sir Henry Wotton- The Element of Architecture.


Artifact is one of the strong methods to indicate and show the hidden meaning and intention of the physical creatures. Therefore, as observing the artifact people can infer cultural background and history.


Multiview offers various point of views from different angles and can be used as a method of creative works because based on different view, actual artifact can have various meaning and be seen various by multiview.


Cycle can be seen as repeating trends. For example, today, many important architectural structures use the "Classical Orders" such as Doric Order, Ionic Order, and Corinthian Order to put more meaning to the architectural structures.

from www.google.com


As individuals have their own point of views and opinions, translation can be variety from people. For example, there are two people who are looking at the same landscape. One person sees a tree, on the other hands, another person sees entire forest. Like this, even if we are living in the same planet, every single individuals' "Translation" would be different.

Story, artifact, multiview, cycle, and translation are connected closely each other. For example, this is a pharagraph about "Re-Creation" utilizing story, artifact, multiview, cycle, and translation as 5 main points.

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